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Dave Foster

Audio Software Developer

Dave Foster is a musician and audio software developer. He works as a musician in the recording industry, as well as developing custom audio applications both for in-house automation and to the specifications of other businesses.

Recent training in digital signal processing, music information retrieval and machine learning have meant that he is working at the cutting edge of audio development, and is able to incorporate the most recent research and techniques into audio solutions. His experience in both the music and software engineering fields mean that he is uniquely skilled for projects that span the two disciplines.

Example Projects

Some examples of Dave’s work:

Multi-band Dynamic Range Compressor

This is a multi-platform audio plugin, developed in C++ using the JUCE framework. The github page for the plugin can be found here.

Bass Autotune

Another audio plugin, a (partially successful) implementation of Autotune specifically for bass instruments, can be found here.

Colour Sounds Piano

One of Dave’s ongoing projects is teaching his children music, and he has developed several bespoke iOS applications with which to engage them. A video showing one of the projects, an interactive piano tutor (developed with SpriteKit / Swift), can be found here.


Swing City Music


Contact Dave via his Linkedin page here.